If the person has been sentenced in a superior court to the custody of the Washington State Department of Corrections (DOC) for a felony or misdemeanor, check the DOC Web site: http://www.doc.wa.gov. This site contains helpful information about the DOC, its facilities, and procedures, including DOC Contact Information.
If the person was sentenced for a misdemeanor in a district or municipal court, check with the sheriff's office or police department in the county or city where the inmate was sentenced. This information may be available on the county or city Web site.
- The Municipal Research and Services Center of Washington contain links to Web sites - Washington State Counties and to Web sites - Washington State Cities and Towns.
If the person is being held on pending charges, contact the law enforcement office for the city or county where the person was arrested:
- The USA Cops Web site: http://www.usacops.com/wa/ provides a search by county in Washington state, and then further by police (local city police departments), or by county sheriff. (For all states, see http://www.usacops.com.)
- Or, look under the Government section of your local telephone directory. The business number (non-emergency) of the local police department will be under the City Government section, and the sheriff's office will be listed under the County Government section.
Your local municipal, district, or superior court may also be able to assist you. The Washington State Court Directories page of the Washington Courts Web site contains links to contact information for courts in Washington State.
See also:
- King County provides a Jail Inmate Lookup Service (JILS) for locating inmates in King County. This site also includes links to:
- Other Jail Search Resources, which provides searches for Pierce County to the immediate south of, and Snohomish County to the immediate north of King County.
- Link to Seattle Municipal Court.
Published 06/28/2005 08:13 AM | Updated 08/07/2018 02:58 PM